BREATHE is the UK Health Research Rub for Respiratory Health, one of 7 research hubs developed through HDR UK. BREATHE aims to improve respiratory health by improving the use of data and data science by the NHS, researchers, industry and charities. The Director and Deputy Directors are Professor Aziz Sheikh at the University of Edinburgh and Professor Jenni Quint at Imperial College London respectively
Savana, an international medical data company, has been using natural language processing and machine learning since 2014 to read multi-lingual clinical documents, including free text, to support patient management, disease prevention and research.
Last week, BREATHE and Savana have launched BIGCOVIDATA (more) which will provide access to routine secondary care data, including free text, for patients in English, French, German and Spanish-speaking countries. This will allow better prediction of COVID19 progression and outcomes, and will provide approved international researchers with access to international real world evidence through the SAIL Databank service (more).